Calibrate a one-axis Turntable

Follow this procedure to calibrate a 1 axis turntable.

1.Select UtilitiesGeneral - Image 15 Define Reference

2.Select the Reference Frame to define/calibrate.          
Alternatively, right click a Reference Frame and select General - Image 16 Define Reference Frame.

3.Select the method Turntable Calibration (1 Axis)

General - Image 17

4.Select Calibrate using joints (default setting). You can change it to points if you have the XYZ position of each point with respect to the robot base frame.

5.Specify the robot if more than one robot is available in the station.

6.Select the number of points you would like to take (the minimum required is 3).

7.Start filling the table with the robot joint positions (or points).

General - Image 18

8.Finally, select Update to apply the new position to the reference frame selected in the RoboDK Station.

9.Select Show Errors to display the error level at each point (the distance errors are equivalent to the planar errors and the radial errors combined)

General - Image 19